Episode 28 Show Notes
Today is an episode of #AskRachel! I’m answering questions all about opt ins, strategies, how Pinterest can grow your business, and get free advertising! Hope you enjoy!
- You can totally have one Pinterest account, and simply make the boards that are personal ones (recipes, fashion etc) private!
- Pinterest IS free advertising. One of my students, Kenal, paid over 2,000 on Facebook ads to get traffic to his art, and he ended up getting WAY more traffic for free from using Pinterest, and the conversion rates of customers was higher coming from Pinterest too!
- Search YOUR NICHE! This will help you find your best boards for Pinterest with your ideal clients.
- Unless you’re completely changing your brand, maybe it’s best to keep your current blog. If your ideal client doesn’t change, you don’t need to start all over. If it does change, you might want to start from scratch on your content.
- Online courses is the BEST way to monetize your business.
- People want to work with YOU. Be sure you’re branding yourself.
- It takes people a while to actually buy your product. What I always suggest is to create CONTENT about whatever you’re selling. That way you can link your pins to this blog post where they can learn more about you, before they buy.
- If you send people directly to a sales page, and they’re not ready to buy, they’ll just go right back to Pinterest and click out of your website.
- Start using Tailwind Tribes right away! You can always schedule more later as you make the content, but don’t wait. It’s better to start small and grow to more.
- (1:38) Is it better to have personal related boards along with your business ones, or to keep them separate?
- (2:22) When trying to get in front of as many eyes as possibly, how important is paid advertising vs. free advertising?
- (4:11) Where is the best place to find group boards for your business?
- (5:02) If you’re changing directions for your blog, is it better to start a brand new blog and hone your niche, or do you just switch your current blog to better fit your content? Micro shift, or brand new blog?
- (7:31) Should you make a personal website or keep your company website?
- (8:40) Is it better to post pins linked to your products, or to your blog?
- (10:14) How many pins to the original content should you have before you use Tailwind?
- (10:49) How can you draw in people to your blog instead of straight to a lead page?
“You don’t have to do paid advertising to get results”
“You want to brand YOU”
She’s Making an Impact- Facebook Group
Thanks so much for Listening! Comment below with your #1 takeaway!
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Want more?
Listen to Episode 022: How to Find Your Confidence, and Pursue the Things You Were Meant to Do (with Rachel Luna)
Listen to Episode 023: 3 Essential Marketing Strategies for Selling Products on Pinterest (with Kenal Louis
Listen to Episode 024: How to be a Mompreneur and grow your Facebook Group (with Allison Hardy