I’m obsessed with Pinterest! It’s a freaking great way to market your business, increase your traffic, and grow your email list…on autopilot!! Content that I made a year ago is STILL being repinned, people are still being added to my email list, and I’m making sales every darn day–all because of Pinterest!
Pinterest is really a search engine, like Google, instead of a social media platform. But what really makes Pinterest stand out from Google is that it’s VISUAL. Which means if you want to stand out on Pinterest, you’ve gotta make sure your graphics are on point!
So let’s talk about creating quality images for Pinterest–ones that will convert!!
More of a visual learner? Me too! Scroll down for the video tutorial!
New here? Welcome! I’m Rachel and I’m here to help you get more leads and sales through Pinterest, blogging, and online courses.
I also have the following blogs to help you crush your Pinterest marketing strategy:
- The Secret to Using Keywords on Pinterest
- Pinterest Marketing Strategy: My Top Pinterest Hacks that Increased my Monthly Reach to 700,000 per Month
- The Ultimate Guide to Repurposing Content on Pinterest
- How to Share Instagram Pictures and Facebook Videos on Pinterest to Explode your Traffic on Social Media
- Pinterest Marketing Strategy: Tailwind Tribes
- The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest
- 6 Reasons Why You Should Use Pinterest for your Business (and How to Get Started)
- How to Create Pinterest Images that Convert: 4 Tips to Create Great Graphics for Pinterest (with Before/After Examples!)
- Exactly How I Earned $49,000 in 5 Days with my Online Course Launch
- 7 Essential Reasons Why You Need a Website (Even if Facebook is Free)
Wondering how to get started here?
Step one: register for my free masterclass where I’ll share my top secret strategies to getting new leads and sales on autopilot with Pinterest!
Step two: Take those skills and apply them to your business
Step three: Start seeing new leads come in =)
Creating Pinterest Images that Convert Tip #1: Use Verticle Images vs. Horizontal
How can you create Pinterest Images?
My absolute favorite site to create quality Pinterest images that convert is Canva.com!
Canva makes it SO SIMPLE to create amazing graphics! I am def not a graphic designer by any means! If I can do it, you can too! And no, I’m not a Canva affiliate, I just love the site!
Here’s a screen shot of what the site looks like. They even have a Pinterest template, with the right size (735×1102) ready for you to design yourself!
Once you select the Pinterest template, you can design it how you like! Verticle images will stand out more in the Pinterest feed since they are bigger.
See the examples below? The one of the left is just a regular square image. Not really attenion grabbing, right? And the one on the right? It’s still a transformation picture, but it’s a verticle image, which will stand out more. Plus, it has text on the image and a call to action. More about that below!
Creating Pinterest Images that Convert Tip #2: Include Text on your Images.
Images with text perform better than those without! People are scrolling on Pinterest (usually on their phones), so you need a scroll stopping image with an attention grabbing headline. Give people a reason to stop the scroll, save the pin, and click through to your site. Use your pins to tell a story and include a call to action!
Here are two examples. The one on the left, well, first it’s a terrible quality picture (it’s mine lol). I’m not really sure what it is or what the pin is trying to do. Maybe the post has a recipe? We don’t know. But the pin on the right! It’s got bold text describing exactly what the person will see when they click through the post!
Creating Pinterest Images that Convert Tip #3: Keep the text easy to read and avoid using super fancy fonts
Simple is best!
Here are two examples. The one of the left is hard to read and definitely makes me want to keep scrolling. The one on the right, however, stands out! Bright colors, clear font, and tells me exactly what the post is about.
Creating Pinterest Images that Convert Tip #4: Reference a freebie in your image if you have one!
Pinterest is a HUGE traffic driver, so you want to take advantage of that by capturing your visitor’s email address so they don’t disappear off into the internet without ever seeing you (or your products) again!
If you have something to offer people to join your email list (like a worksheet, PDF, etc.), then put that bad boy in your image so people know that when they come to your site they’ll be able to get something valuable for free!
Tell me about you! Have you used Canva.com to create images? Have you followed any of these tips?