- Rick talks about how for 15 months after leaving the corporate world, he had no idea what he was doing! This is so important to note. Nothing happens overnight, and just because you struggle in the beginning doesn’t mean you can’t turn things around. The key point of his turn around, Rick says, is getting a business coach. Once he did that and he knew what he was selling, he started getting more success.
- Behind everyone is years of hard work and a lot of behind the scenes that no one sees. Don’t ever think that it happens overnight. Rick uses the analogy of the iceberg- you only see the surface of people’s success, not the years of hard work under the water that got them there. Keep pushing yourself forward and you will succeed. You don’t need to compare your success to someone else’s.
- Rick talks about how he pre-sold his course. You want to pre-sell your course and create the outline first, and then sell it, and as people buy it, create it. Because if it’s not selling, you don’t want to have wasted all that time on a course no one wants.
- Let’s talk target audiences. Rick says you need to make this the number one step to creating anything with your business- know WHO you are selling to. Who is your target audience, what are their problems, how can you help them? If you create something that will solve major problems for who you are trying to help, you’re going to sell. If you are trying to sell something they don’t need, guess what? You aren’t going to sell.
- Rick says that you need to go into ads with the right mindset. Just because it isn’t working right away doesn’t mean they don’t work. THEY DO! But you have to be willing to target different audiences, make changes, and try different strategies. Take a different angle, and test something else. You can’t have what Rick says, a “short term mindset”.
- He shares that patience is the number one key when running an ad on Facebook. Be patient! Rick says it normally takes 3 days before you can really see any results from an ad. Give it time.
- Targeting your audience- what you don’t want to do is put too many layers in there. You don’t want to cut out too many people. Take a step back and target, so that you don’t leave someone else. Use your ad to speak to more niched down groups, but don’t put them in your ad.
- (2:21) A little more about Rick Mulready- how he became an entrepreneur.
- (5:03) How rick’s first year of being an entrepreneur was just him not knowing what he was doing.
- (7:41) Success takes a while- IMPOSTER SYNDROME will hold you back.
- (8:47) What happened in 2014 that finally started bringing Rick some success as an entrepreneur?
- (11:10) Why you need to Pre-Sell your course, and create it AFTER it’s being sold.
- (12:03) Rick’s top tips for generating leads and sales
- (14:50) The power of talking to your ideal clients and really getting to know them.
- (18:55) Ads. The 2 things entrepreneurs need before they use ads.
- (22:30) What are some things you need to TEST when doing Facebook ads?
- (25:04) Other mistakes Rick sees entrepreneurs make when running ads.
- (29:03) Scaling. Can you scale too fast?
- (31:35) Facebook ad changes coming later in the year, and how to prepare for them.
- (35:45) Targeting an audience…Rick’s tips on how to Niche down on targeting.
- (38:40) Rick’s strategies for selling high ticket courses.
- (40:27) 2019 Facebook ad trends.
- (43:20) Facebook Messenger- why this is a KEY tool to a successful business.
- (45:40) Example of a successful Messenger ad.
- (49:07) What does it mean to Rick to make an impact.
- (50:40) What’s next for Rick?
“I validated the offer by pre-selling it”
“Once you understand your target audience, then you can create a course that solves their problem”
“You can see results for spending a little money on ads”
“We have to give ourselves the opportunity for success”
“When people are trying to scale, it’s scaling too fast when they run into problems”
- Rick’s Website
- Instagram: @rickmulready
- Rick’s Podcast: The Art of Paid Traffic
- Course: “Foundations”
- Learn With Rick
- 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall
- Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight
Watch Full Interview: