All my different failures… (0:55)
People don’t share enough of their failures. The launches that don’t work or the things that don’t go how you thought they would. It doesn’t always go our way!
- My launches that didn’t work…
- The sales director we kept on for way too long even though he wasn’t performing…
- Overworking…
“Failure isn’t failure, but failure to change might be” -John Wooden
“It’s never a failure unless you stop learning from it.”
In my head, I don’t look at my one of these experiences, I don’t as them as a failure because eI learn something from it and use it to the next thing to make it better.
As long as you learned and grew, it wasn’t a failure.
Do you have a fear of failure? (2:09)
Is failure holding you back? Do you view it as this big scary thing?
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. “ -Robert Kennedy
“If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail. And it takes backbone to lead the life you want.” -Richard Yates
My Biggest Failure… (3:04)
This hustle mentality can sometimes be really detrimental to an entrepreneur. Of course it’s important to work hard. But it’s also SO important to live your life! To allow your body to reset. To heal. To take time off. To get good sleep. To go on vacation, spend time with family.
And honestly? That’s one of my biggest failures. Those days where I was all work all the time? I look at that time as a failure because I was prioritizing my success over time with my family. I ended up totally burning out- gaining 30 pounds, leaky gut, sick all the time. My body was done living like that.
When I started this business I knew I wanted to prioritize family time and traveling. Allowing my kids to see the world. It is possible to live the life you dreamed about AND be a business owner.
My Breakthrough (4:19)
Creating boundaries of how you work and show up was my break through.
I was driven my success and significance. But I had to figure out, I am NOT my results.
Good months and bad months are inevitable.
Disconnect YOU from your REULTS.
Figure out how to not have your own self worth wrapped into your business. Then you show up differently. It’s less pressure.
How can you serve more people? How can I have fun doing this? How can we show up for others, not just my own success?
How can you get over failure? (6:30)
“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay not defeat. It’s a temporary detour not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. -Dennis Weightly
If failure is something you need to get over, a great book is Failing forward by John Maxwell.
Sara Blakely is the founder of Spanx and the first ever female entrepreneur billionaire. Sarah Blakely’s father would encourage her to fail weekly. He would ask every week and if she hand’t failed, he’d be disappointed! So reframe it!
Failure isn’t the lack of resorts, it’s the lack of trying.
“I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” -Thomas Edison
It takes perseverance. Rejection and failure is part of the process…but IF you keep persisting, you WILL find success.
“There’s only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure.” -Paolo Balao
Success is stumbling from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill
Set a goal to fail intentionally (8:44)
I want you to set the goal to fail 3 times this month,.
If you do that, you will grow.
Through these failures you will find confidence and ideas…
Pursue failure!
“Winners are not afraid of loosing, but losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” -Robert Kiosocki
Head to for a free coaching call for some support!