Episode 21 Show Notes
Today we’re chatting with the manifestation babe herself, Kathrin Zenkina. She is a master mindset coach, and founder of Manifestation Babe, an exploding brand in the personal development space. Finding herself broke, frustrated and in debt in 2016, she set out to transform her finances using spiritual principles, modeling the behavior patterns of successful entrepreneurs, and using her own nifty mindset hacks. In 18 months she built up her following, authored and sold 15,000 book copies, created her “Rich Babe” program, all while scaling her 7 figure business and traveling the globe with her fiancé. Teaching is her passion, showing ambitious entrepreneurs how to build a hustle free business, live a life by design, and attract money with grace and ease while living in a perpetual state of gratitude and love. Enjoy!
- Two years ago Kathrin was in debt. Her intuition told her that she needed so much change in her life. So she listened to that voice in her head, and thats when she started on the path to success.
- Kathrin had so many dreams and ambitions, but kept wondering why things kept going wrong in her life. Implementation and taking action was what she was missing. She trained herself to take leaps of faith.
- Decide to live your life as if your success is inevitable! If you do this, you will show up every day as the best version of yourself, with confidence, not doubt.
- If something isn’t going to empower you, it’s not valuable. Everything is a choice, and what you decide to do with it.
- When you grow up constantly hearing something, your subconscious mind picks it up. When you want to create something, you need a belief system to go with it.
- If you say an affirmation enough, your mind starts to believe it. At first Kathrin struggled with affirmations about money especially, but as she repeated it to herself, her mind started to believe it, and it started to manifest into her life.
- The way you make new connections in your affirmations is by changing your intensity. Say it loud and proud, not slouched in the mirror! If you say it enough, you’ll start to actually believe it.
- Setting goals is so important. Kathrin gives an example of weight lifting. If your goal is to lift 200 lbs, you don’t go up and try to lift that if you’ve never lifted anything smaller. Definitely not- you start small nd work your way up. It’s the same thing in business. Set big goals, but know that it takes steps to get there.
- Success doesn’t come from perfectionism, it comes from consistency.
- When you stop worrying about things, and let go of the outcome, that’s when it manifests. Don’t try to do the universes job. Even if you don’t know when or how something can happen, figure out your what and why- those are the things you can control.
- The goal of manifestation is to get into such a level of certainty where you’re already the version of yourself that already has it.
- If you have something in your heart (business, in love, family etc) that means you have everything you need to make it happen. It’s within you. So if you have the desires, you ned to take the inspired action, and trust that it will happen.
- If you were just getting by, you wouldn’t be able to make a bigger impact. Kathrin tells us we need to accept where it is in life that we can make an impact. Not everyone has the same skillsets. No one benefits off of you just getting by.
- (2:33) A little more about Kathrin Zenkin
- (3:20) Where was Kathrin before all her success started?
- (10:50) The top rules that Kathrin uses to manifest into her reality.
- (12:05) What are some of the limiting beliefs Kathrin grew up with, and how did she overcome those things?
- (15:50) How Kathrin made affirmations for her beliefs, and how it helped.
- (16:30) What was her most repeated affirmation?
- (18:20) What are the differences between incantations and affirmations?
- (23:02) Where does energy come from? (One of the most important lessons Kathrin learned!)
- (23:59) Set your goals high, but how can you break that down to reasonable steps?
- (27:35) Kathrin’s morning rituals: full of good vibes, setting intentions, and staying motivated.
- (31:16) What Kathrin listened to when she wanted to convince herself she was worthy of success.
- (37:40) Finding what gets you into a sense of certainty. Everyone has a different way to inspire them, find yours.
- (38:56) Can you manifest anything?
- (41:29) What’s one thing Kathrin thinks everyone should know about setting a goal and making it happen?
- (42:30) One thing Kathrin wishes she would have known early on in her journey.
- (44:23) Talking about doubting yourself, and how it’s toxic to success.
- (51:50) What’s next for Kathrin Zenkina
- (52:35) What’s the 10,10,10 rule that Kathrin made for herself?
- (55:28) How to connect with Kathrin!
“I was already living my worst case scenario, so I made a pact with myself at that time. For the next 12 months…I’m going to move on with my life as if my success is inevitable.”
“Decide to live your life as if your success is inevitable!”
“The best is yet to come”
“Life is always happening for me, not to me.”
“I’m a multi-millionaire just for being my most authentic self.”
“I always felt like there was some sort of disconnect between me and wealth.”
“Success doesn’t come from perfectionism, it comes from consistency.”
“I’m so happy and grateful “money”-bob proctor
“When I’m taking action, thats how I manage my fear.”
- Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: by Kathrin zenkina (Book)
- Dr Wayne Dyer – 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep – Positive Affirmations Video
- Evan Carmichael’s Top 10 Rules For Success: Video (@EvanCarmichael)
- Christ Harder: For the Love of Money (Podcast)
- Instagram: @ManifestationBabe
- manifestationbabe.com
- Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes
- foodonfoot.org
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Listen to Episode 018: How You Can Use Pinterest to Create Passive Income
Listen to Episode 019: How Exactly I Earned 49,000 in 5 Days
Listen to Episode 021: How to Prepare and Execute Your Launch (with Stacy Tuschl)
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“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” Tony Robbins